What Shin Guards do Professional Soccer Players Wear?
The answer you've all been waiting for. Finally we can spill it. P.S. They wear our ProGuards. I know. We're still blown away by it too. Professional footballers in the English Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga and Serie A are wearing our shin guards. Our carbon fiber soccer shin guards. It was like a dream come true when the notifications rang through. Ding ding. Dani Alves had asked us to make him a custom pair of ProGuards with his name on them. And not too long after Thiago Silva's manager reached out to us for a pair. (He plays for Chelsea F.C. and Brazil by the way!) As you can imagine we were thrilled. And before we knew it, we were sending them out to loads of professionals worldwide. But why did they want our shin guards? Quality. The pros want nothing but the best for themselves. We set out with the vision to create soccer shin guards of the highest quality. Premium materials, exceptional strength, amazing aesthetics. Tick, tick, tick. The ProGuards had it all. We left no stone unturned when we designed them. They speak for themselves when there in your hand (or better yet, on your shins.) Just you wait and see.
So which professional footballers are wearing the ProGuards?

Keen to see what the fuss is all about? Check out our ProGuards product page, read our customers reviews, and make sure you buy a pair before they sell out (again). They tend to move quick.